Let's Build a Good-Jobs Economy!
Every worker deserves a good job—one that pays a living wage and includes robust benefits. We’re leading the fight to make a good-jobs economy a reality.
New & Notable
Today's Economy Doesn't Work for Most Workers
is the federal minimum wage. That's about $15,000 annually, which is not nearly enough to support a family.
private sector workers do not have any paid sick time, and many workers who do have paid sick time are disciplined for using it.
of occupations in the U.S. are racially segregated. Workers of color are limited to the lowest-paid, least stable, and most dangerous jobs.
Explore the Worker Policy Watch
Stay updated on federal decisions that are shaping workers' rights: what’s at stake for working people nationwide.
Worker Policy Watch
$150B in raises secured for 26M workers since the Fight for $15 launched in 2012.
NELP in Action
For more than 55 years, we’ve led the fight for a good-jobs economy. Our work has sparked improved power and increased income for workers and their families across the country. Over the last decade, our victories have impacted the lives of an estimated 100 million workers and their families.
Leading the Good Jobs Movement
Learn More
I am committed to protecting and building on the hard-won gains our movement has achieved. Together, we will build worker power and fight for and win policies that put people first, tackle economic inequality, and dismantle structural racism.
Insights & Research
All ResearchCT News Junkie: AI in the Workplace, Algorithms at Rideshare Companies Seen Reshaping Jobs and Wages in Connecticut

Press Clips
February Jobs Report: Economy Continues to Slow Amid Mass Firing of Public Servants

News Release
Congress Must Reject Attempts to Roll Back Labor and Employment Rights

News Release
Your donation transforms
- tomorrow's laws
- workers' jobs
- people's futures
- our shared economy
Everyone deserves a good job. By giving today, you can support our work as we fight for a good jobs economy in which every single job is a good job, everyone who wants a job can get one, and everyone has economic security between jobs.