Ted Parks is a member of the Chicago Gig Alliance. He organizes with his coworkers to win fair pay and safer working conditions for Uber and Lyft drivers.
Occupational segregation in the United States is a result of the systemic and structural racism embedded into the economy that marginalizes people of color.
On March 12, 2024, Irene Tung testified before the Connecticut General Assembly in favor of S.B. No. 412, which would provide
vital safeguards for warehouse workers.
On March 11, 2024, Yannet Lathrop testified before the Massachusetts Special Joint Committee on Initiative Petitions in support of a fair wage for tipped workers.
On February 22, 2024, Amy Traub testified before the Connecticut General Assembly in favor of H.B. 5164 which would extend unemployment benefits to striking workers.
Newly available data from the BLS reveal a growing injury crisis for warehouse workers in New York State and underscore the urgent need for lawmakers to act.