Following is a statement from Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project:
“We applaud the Communications Workers of America and the three workers who have sued to stop big corporations’ use of discriminatory job postings that screen out wide swaths of the workforce based on age.
“As detailed in an in-depth expose by ProPublica and The New York Times published today, companies like T-Mobile, Capital One, and Amazon use specific demographic categories provided by Facebook and other online platforms to narrow the range of ages and other attributes of applicants who see the job announcements.
“This kind of discriminatory redlining is just the tip of the iceberg, and it must stop. Fifty years after the passage of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, at a moment when workers are struggling to make ends meet, biased corporate screening based on age, gender, and race cannot be allowed to continue.
“NELP stands with CWA and Outten & Golden in their effort to stop these practices and require corporations to provide jobs to all in this country who want to work, free from discrimination.”
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