I was terminated from a brand-new department that had just started providing benefits for retired postal workers in the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). OPM is like the HR for all of the federal agencies. We were just building the department, getting the systems, paperwork and everything together. I was a probationary employee because I had just been promoted to a new position in November 2024 negotiating the contracts for the healthcare providers that wanted to join the postal workers’ benefits plan. We basically made sure retired postal employees had health care benefits.
I’m a veteran. I like helping the public. I was in the Air Force and my job was to help enlisted members get retrained to do different jobs. They would come to me and I would help them with the paperwork and make sure they met all the qualifications to get retrained.
People don’t think about how many federal employees touch regular everyday citizens.
People don’t think about how many federal employees touch regular everyday citizens. We’re in dangerous times. I read Project 2025. I knew what would happen to the federal workforce. Now, did I think it would happen this fast? That it would be a mass firing? No, I didn’t think that was going to happen.
After the inauguration, we got the Fork in the Road email saying we can resign and still get paid through September. I decided to stick it out. I said, “If they fire me, they’re just going to have to fire me. I’m not going to just voluntarily resign.”
I think it was Wednesday February 12th when the judge said that they could proceed with the resignations. Around 11:00pm, we got an email that came from a random email address. It was late at night and it wasn’t the normal the OPM email address that was used before inauguration. On the morning of February 13th, my supervisor called me and asked if I was going to accept the deferred resignation. I told her no. She said, “Okay, well, I was just checking in with the team to see who was going to accept it so we can restructure and decide who’s going to handle what contract.”
The application deadline for the healthcare carriers was coming up. We were all going to be assigned one or two contracts depending on how many carriers we had. She said we would talk later when she got everything situated.
It was just crazy. About 1:45, I got an invite from the random email address to attend an urgent meeting at 2:00pm.
My supervisor had not heard about the urgent meeting. She asked me to share my screen with her so I could show her the meeting invite. She was like, “I have no idea what that is. I didn’t get it.” Our supervisors never got anything to review. She was like, “I don’t know what it is. So just go ahead and join the call and keep me informed. Let me know what’s going on.”
We waited until a little before 2:00 and maybe 75 people were on the phone on the call. One of the participants said, “Well, we’re probably all about to be fired. Get your union rep on the phone. Turn your cameras on so they can see.”
After she said that, everything just went blank. Everything was disabled – our cameras, the chat, the mics. We had to sit there. We were sitting there until about 2.30. They sent out another link saying join another meeting.
It was a prerecorded video. I believe it was the new director of OPM. He never said who he was.
I got off of that call and joined this other meeting. It was a prerecorded video. I believe it was the new director of OPM. He never said who he was.
This man said, “At 3:00, you’re going to be terminated. Gather up your things, leave all your government issued equipment at your desk and exit the building, and give the security guard your card. If you’re working from home today, you’ll get a follow-up email telling you how to return your equipment, and then you’ll get an email after this call about your termination.”
Everybody was shocked. We were all fired. My supervisor called me and was apologetic. She said if there was anything she could do, just let her know. If I needed her to write a recommendation she would give it to me.
I don’t know how things are going to go because it was a new department. New carriers had opted into the program. If retirees are having issues with the carriers, how is that going to work with the whole disputed claims department gone? Who’s going to handle the disputed claims? I’m sure it’s going to be chaotic.
They said we have no recourse to fight our termination. We have no appeal rights. That’s actually what they were saying in the court hearing this morning. They also put in the letter that we were terminated because of our performance. I don’t believe I was terminated for my performance because I was promoted to a new position. If I was a bad employee because of my performance, why would you offer me a new position, suggest I apply for it, and then hire me for it?
At first, I was kind of numb and going through the motions, trying to be optimistic. The past couple of days I kind of broke down. It’s been an emotional roller coaster. I’m up one minute and then I’m down. When I apply for jobs there’s thousands of people probably looking for the same jobs. That’s discouraging.
My daughter, sons, and close friends are all very supportive. I’ve always wanted to be an activist. I think this was God’s way of pulling me out of that comfort zone and pushing me. I’ve been asking what my purpose is. I think my purpose is to be more active and to possibly run for office. I’m looking into that.
I think my purpose is to be more active and to possibly run for office. I’m looking into that.
I am for the rights of everybody. I want to help and I just keep saying I have to be the change that I want to see. It’s time for us to take back what we’ve lost this last election. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, the whole administration benefits from this. He’s selling the country off. He’s selling it piece by piece to the highest bidder. And so far, Elon Musk is like the number one beneficiary. He is the new welfare queen.
I think that the everyday average citizen is going to have to be involved and we’re going to have to take back the government.
I can’t believe I don’t have a job. Luckily for me my daughter just graduated with a master’s degree. She has a job and she’s like, “You can relax for a little bit. I’ll help you. I’ll take care of these bills. Don’t just take the job just to take the job.” She’s pushing me into this this newfound opportunity. I’m so grateful for her. That’s the bad part of being without a job, but the good part is I’m able to pursue something that I have a passion for.