Common Dreams: ‘When We Fight, We Win’: Amazon Boosts Pay as Workers Launch Bid for $25 an Hour

As Amazon workers across the United States launched a campaign demanding at least $25 an hour, the e-commerce giant announced Wednesday that it is raising hourly pay for its warehouse workers and drivers.

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“The $1 raise that Amazon gave workers last year was shameful. After accounting for inflation, it wasn’t even a raise,” lamented Irene Tung, senior researcher and policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project. “Our research has shown that Amazon tends to locate its warehouses in high earnings counties around the country, but lags behind other warehouse employers in pay—even though it can afford to pay workers much more.”

Advocates point to Amazon’s $30.4 billion 2023 profits as proof that the company can afford to pay its workers more.

“Raising pay by 25% would bring Amazon workers much closer to a middle-income standard of earnings,” Tung said. “Given Amazon’s size and the enormity of its wealth, it is not far-fetched to ask why this company has thus far failed at creating middle-income jobs for the hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers that power its operations.”

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